Chimney Sweep Services

Multifuel Stove Installation and Supply

Chimney Sweep Services

A chimney sweep is the best person to prevent the picture above from happening to your home.

As a stove installer, being able to sweep a chimney properly and correctly is all part of our training.

Why Do You Need To Sweep Your Chimneys?

Every time you burn something on your fireplace or on your log burner, more than just smoke goes up the chimney. Coal and wood release tar, resin and other particles which love to stick to your chimney or flue. These particles are elements that have risen with the heat, but are not fully burned. If your wood hasn’t been properly dried you get even more of this residue. You need to sweep your chimney regularly for the following reasons:

To ensure your fire burns efficiently

The build-up stops the free flow of smoke up the chimney or flue. This reduces efficiency and could also result in an increase of carbon monoxide in your room.

To reduce the risk of a chimney fire

Particles cling to the chimney and due to the heat below, they can start to burn. Before you know it, you have a chimney fire!

Other things that can block your chimney are birds’ nests. If your fire hasn’t been used for a while, particularly during the spring and summer period, it doesn’t take long for birds, especially crows to make it into a home.

What Happens In A Chimney Fire

Chimney fires cause a LOT of damage. They will destroy a flue or the lining of your chimney. Embers from the chimney fire can land on your roof or in your gutters. If there is dry debris in these places they may well start a secondary fire.

The fire can burn back down into the room causing fire and smoke damage within the room.

And when the firemen arrive with their hose … you will have a very messy room of soot mixed with water. It’s a very expensive repair. It is so much better to have the chimney swept in the first place!

The Saffron Walden Reporter reported on a fire that caused walls in the loft and lounge to crack under the intense heat and that the whole chimney breast came down!

Stop Chimney Fire

How Often Should I Sweep My Chimney?

The very best person to ask is your stove installer or chimney sweep because all chimneys vary. Generally speaking the best time to have your chimney swept is through the summer before the start of the burning season and when the stove or fire has not been used for a while.

It is also a good time to maintain your stove, replacing ropes, fire bricks and glass. The efficiency of the stove can be greatly affected by poor seals, especially around the door, but also on the flue.

The absolute minimum should be once a year.

Hetas advises if burning smokeless fuels it should be at least once a year.

However, if you are burning wood, they advise a minimum of twice a year.

Can I Prevent a Build Up In My Chimney?

The most important aspect of all is the type of fuel you burn and how you operate the stove.

Good dry hardwood below 20% moisture is the best, along with a small quantity of smokeless coal. Softwoods, eg leylandi, even when dry, can cause a rapid build up of deposits, especially when burnt on its own.

Slumbering the stove, which is shutting it down completely to try to keep it burning overnight, will cause a rapid build up of creosote which cannot be swept out. This also burns at a high temperature once ignited.

The main cause of chimney fires is when a flue liner has been fitted and the existing chimney has not been swept prior to installation of the liner. This can lead to a fire in the chimney where the hot metal liner touches soot and tar left in the chimney.

It is also important to do a camera survey before installing a flue liner.

Sweep Chimneys Often

Hetas Registered Chimney Sweep

We know all about sweeping flues and chimneys. Craven Stoves are regular sweeps at the impressive Berwick House in Shrewsbury.

Your room will be fully protected. No-one wants a living room full of soot and we protect the area, including our ingress from outside.

We have the necessary camera to do a full survey and Hetas Sweep Certificates are available on request.

We cover Shropshire, including Ellesmere, Whitchurch, and Oswestry and also the Welsh Borders such as Welshpool and Wrexham. Call us now to find out how much it will cost.

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Craven Stoves

Multifuel Stove installers and suppliers serving Cheshire, Shropshire and North Wales.

We find the right stove for your property and ensure you get the most heat from the fuel you use.


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