When You Don’t Sweep Your Chimney

Chimney Sweeping, Completed Work, News

What happens when you don’t sweep your chimney before installing a flue? After all, it seems like a straightforward matter, dropping a flue down a chimney and then connecting it to your stove. Below is a case study to show exactly how dangerous it could be.

To clarify, this is a property in which we had no previous involvement. A stove and flue had been installed, but the chimney had not been swept prior to the installation of the flue.

Stove and Chimney Inspection

We were asked to undertake a survey of the property due to there being no Hetas certificates in place. We discovered there had been a chimney fire behind one of the stoves behind the closure plate

How Hot Can A Chimney Fire Go?

The fire was so hot, it had blackened the wood surrounding the fireplace.

Worse, we discovered that the closure plate at the back of the fire hood had started to warp due to the excess heat. Even the heatproof paint was starting to peel. Heatproof paint is stable to 600°C, so the temperature of the fire must have been well in excess of this.

MDF, which is a common component of household furniture, will become flammable at around 240°C!

A house fire had been narrowly avoided!

Stoves are a Safe Way to Heat Your House

Stoves are a safe way to heat your house. Nevertheless, like any heating appliance, it is important for you to have it properly installed and serviced. The two most important ways to keep your stove safe are:

Have a HETAS registered installer to install or check your multi-fuel burner or log burner
Regularly arrange to sweep your chimney.

So now you know what happens when you don’t sweep your chimney before installing a flue.

Contact Us

Contact Craven Stoves today to arrange for us to sweep your chimney. We will also take a look at your stove and make sure all is correct and as it should be. You can call us on 07493 766634 or email us at cravenstoves@gmail.co.uk

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